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USPS postage comparison for
"flat"  v  "slim"
44 cents   v    26 cents 

pixel stripe
(800)    562-0888            
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pixel stripe
pixel stripe
pixel stripe

Had you intended to spend 70% more
-- seventy percent more on postage --
than USPS specs offer?

"flat" vs. "slim" : USPS logo

mail a 3-ounce  flat   catalog for postage of  44 cents,
mail a 3-ounce  slim catalog for postage of 26 cents.

Had you intended to spend 70 % more postage     --
seventy percent more     --
for 3.0 ounces?


note especially:
this comparison illustrates more selling space for "slim";

"slim" =   5,220 square inches, 92 pages
"flat" =   2,930 square inches, 32 pages
what my Grandma would call a
5-to-3 advantage.

USPS Postage for "FLAT" = 44 cents
USPS Postage for "SLIM" = 26 cents
each version under three ounces, thus

a three-ounce SLIM piece can deliver
MORE selling space than
a three-ounce FLAT,
for 26 cents, not 44 cents.

pixel stripe

silver stripe
pixel stripe pixel stripe
     Here's how by USPS specs:
     it's being done, now: under three ounces
  less than 1/4" thick
     design for more pages 92-page practical limit
     in a more slim 6" x 11"
     final-fold-&-trim 60# minimum cover

Mary Campanella,
Mary Campanella, president

to reach 5,520 square inches
of selling space, 92 pages, means

a lighter (body) stock
(SAY, 32# SCA)
to stay under three ounces.

Give me, Mary Campanella, a ring.
(800)  562-0888 capsule_quote_black_on_yellow

pixel catalog magenta